Monday, August 24, 2009

Raíces on CNN... AGAIN!

Raíces de Esperanza's very own Felice Gorordo will be on CNN Newsroom today for an interview with anchor Tony Harris. Check it out today, Monday, Aug. 24, at 11:55 a.m. EST on CNN.

CNN's Tony Harris

As you might recall, Felice recently appeared on CNN's online streaming channel, CNN Live, for Nicole Lapin's "Young People Who Rock" series. These are indications that Raíces is increasingly being seen as a noteworthy organization and as an authority on youth in Cuba and their struggle for the right to self-actualization.


First, we have a correction: Tony Harris did not interview Felice, Nicole Lapin did.

CNN's Nicole Lapin

In fact, I should have noticed Nicole's status update on my Facebook news feed this morning:

Here are some shots (of my TV... we're very much on the cutting edge here at Raíces) from the interview.

CNN's Nicole Lapin introduces Raíces' Felice Gorordo.

Raíces' Felice Gorordo reacts to the significance (or lack thereof) of recent images of Fidel Castro.

Raíces is becoming more and more of a go-to authority on Cuban youth issues.

Felice points out the potential for youth empowerment through mobile connectivity.

This photo of two participants from the Raíces-sponsored UM Cuba Conference was among the still images shown during Felice's CNN interview.

I also recorded the audio from the interview just in case CNN doesn't post the video on their site, so you'll have either streaming video or an mp3 of the interview coming soon. Check back for updates.

1 comment:

Arlena said...

Excellent job at keeping this blog! I like it! THanks for keeping us inform and congratulations on the national exposure. That's great! This way the message of struggling Cuban youths on the island can get heard, not forgotten.