Sunday, November 13, 2011

Seeds of Change - Loudspeakers for Cuban Voices (Pt. 3)

This post marks the eleventh entry for the current Roots of Hope blog theme: Seeds of Change. To read some of the previous entries, see What comes next: study abroad and youth-led change in Cuba, How Cell Phones Can Shake a Nation, Begin from the Beginning: the need for open dialogue, From New Orleans to Havana, Cuba's Economic Reforms: A Window of Opportunity.

A brief introduction:

For the purpose of the Seeds of Change theme on our blog, we wanted to tell our readers about the power of translating blogs. As many of you know, for Cuba's blogging community, the people who translate their blogs represent the opportunity to reach a broader audience, maximize their impact, and BE HEARD. As an example, Mary Jo Porter - who acts as translator for Yoani Sanchez - describes the effect of her work in an interview we featured earlier this month. What we found as we set out to feature blog translating in an entry, was that the greatest testament came from Cuban bloggers themselves. And so, we will be featuring their answers and comments over the next weeks.

To follow up Regina Coyula's response and Orlando Luis Pardo's answer, here is a message from Yamil Dominguez over email:

This is Yamil. First of all I have wanted to thank you directly for a long time for all the precious help you gave me by translating with so much dedication for our blog. Me, my family and friends always have you in mind, we talk about you often. Your work has been excellent, I read it myself once I got back home to the US. At this moment I am in the process of starting again, Marleny will come soon, and she will write to you herself.

About the work of helping translate Cuban blogs I think it is very important for every idea to become freer and to be respected, for this reason if one can count on the help of putting it in other languages it is much better. Thanks to your translations, for example, many have been able to read the details regarding my case and understand with a better outlook the realities of Cuba that are so hidden and unknown for so many.
Te escribe Yamil, primero que nada quiero agradecerte directamente desde hace mucho tiempo toda esa valiosa ayuda que me distes al traducirme con tanta dedicacion para nuestro blog. Mi familia y amigos siempre te tenemos presente , a cada rato se habla de ti .Tu trabajo ha sido exelente , yo mismo lo he leido una vez que llegue de vuelta a casa a los EU. En estos momentos me encuentro en el periodo de recomienzo , pronto Marleny vendra , ella misma te escribira.Sobre el trabajo de ayudar a traducir los blogs de Cuba opino que es muy importante que cada idea se haga mas libre y sea respetada, para eso si se cuenta con la ayuda para que salga en otras lenguas es mucho mejor, gracias a tus traducciones por ejemplo muchos han podido leer detalles sobre lo acontecido en mi caso y entienden con mejor panorama las realidades de cuba ocultas y desconocidas para tantos .

Besos y abrazos de Yamil y su familia

Click here to visit Yamil's blog.